Useful Links

Archaeology Data Service logo

Archaeology Data Service

The Archaeology Data Service (ADS) is a digital respository for heritage data, based at the University of York. The ADS host and maintain the Burial Spaces Research Database, and are the principal repository for graveyard survey data.

Caring for God's Acre logo

Caring for God's Acre

Caring for God’s Acre works nationally to support groups and individuals to investigate, care for, and enjoy burial grounds. They run the Beautiful Burial Ground project, which seeks to raise the profile of burial grounds, and make people aware of their heritage and biodiversity value.

Churchcare logo


Churchcare offer advice and guidance on all matters concerning church heritage. They also administer the Church Heritage Record, a detailed, continually updated record of architectural history, archaeology, art history, and the surrounding natural environment of church buildings in England.

Historic England logo

Historic England

Historic England are a public body that advises on and directs policy for researching, conserving and enjoying England's historic environment. Their website contains special pages on the importance of historic burial grounds, and how to care for them.

Gravestone with red RTI snooker ball attached to one side

Council for British Archaeology

The Council for British Archaeology is an educational charity devoted to involving people in archaeology, and promoting the apprecation and care of the historic environment. They previously published Harold Mytum's Recording and Analysing Graveyards, and will publish a new version to accompany the guidance produced by DEBS.

Close-up of a carving of a flower on a grave monument

Cemetery Research Group

The Cemetery Research Group at the University of York undertakes all sorts of studies on burial practices across the world. Every year they hold the Cemeteries Colloquium to meet and discuss new research.